Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Take Measure

Since I've been working out, I haven't lost much weight. My friend told me I should measure myself instead of using a scale, so that's what I've started doing. I've been measuring myself once a month since I started going to the gym and the second measurement was an eye opener!
June (starting measurements in inches):
Shoulders - 52
Chest - 48
Waist - 51
Hips - 53 1/2
Thighs - 27 1/2
Arms - 15 1/2
July (in inches):
Shoulders - 46 (6 inches lost!!)
Chest - 45 1/4 (3 1/4 inches lost!!)
Waist - 46 (5 inches lost!!)
Hips - 52 1/2 (1 inch lost!!)
Thighs - 27 1/2
Arms - 16 1/2 (1 inch gained, must be my bulging bicep muscle lol)
August (in inches):
Shoulders - 47
Chest - 45 1/4
Waist - 46
Hips - 53
Thighs - 28
Arms - 16

When I started the lazy man iron man challenge I deviated from my regular workout. I did a lot of bike miles and burpees instead of my preferred total body workout with weights. I'm confident once I get back to the weights, I'll see more of a change. In the meantime I'm happy with my progress.
It is interesting that 6 months ago I wouldn't even consider posting my measurements. Over the past few months I've been able to look at myself more objectively and recognize my progress. I'm changing the way I think about myself and hope I can continue to grow during this process. Most people that have weight loss surgery still see themselves as overweight even after they lose a lot of weight. I hope I can get to a point where I'm happy with myself inside and out no matter what my size.

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